Monday, August 08, 2005

In-service to whom?

Pointing out that there is some disconnect between a Metro Nashville's mandatory teacher in-service on poverty and wasting dollars Creative Liberty goes at it with both barrels. Take a minute and ask yourself if you agree this could be done better.

I am sure Ruby Payne has some good things to say about poverty. I can’t imagine that she can hold the attention of the teachers for eight hours…with a few breaks here and there. So, here is what I propose…to fight poverty…don’t support expensive in-services. How much did it cost Metro to get Ruby Payne? How much will it cost for the material to be given to all the teachers? How much will it cost bussing teachers back and forth to this event? How much will it cost on Monday morning when teachers don’t have their classrooms ready to start school? From Creative Liberty.

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