Mapping Middle School
Based on the chart MNPS Middle schools are looking pretty good.
Green with a dot = Exceptional
Green = Exceeds Standards
Yellow = Meets Standards
Welcome. You'll find comments and information here about education in Tennessee with a focus on Nashville as well other issues as I keep an eye on legislation and news. You'll quickly realize I'm a conservative Christian who isn't the quiet submissive type and doesn't mind rankling, if necessary, to get the job done.
Based on the chart MNPS Middle schools are looking pretty good.
Green with a dot = Exceptional
Green = Exceeds Standards
Yellow = Meets Standards
7:09 PM
Wow. Thank you for this post!
come on nashteach -- reaching incredibly low standards many with proficient below grade average is good? give me a break --
I'm well on record saying I think the state test is a weak measurement and the NCLB notion of "minimal skills" is misleading and an unfortunate focus. My comment was directed at Kay for actually posting something positive about Metro. As involved as you have been, can't you find anything positive to say? I'm sorry but at times the negative hyperbole here and elsewhere gets a bit much. So, yes, thanks, Kay, for a positive take on something every now and again.
You're welcome. I completely agree. The bar is set low so we need to keep that in mind.
I did the map in light of the upcoming rezoning. Are there neighborhoods where the schools are reliably bad? Apparently not. Each of the middle schools in MNPS are, on average, moving children forward at least one grade level.
However, perception doesn't match this map, I'm sure.
If I get some time this week perhaps I'll tackle the elementary schools.
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