Wednesday, June 29, 2005

Super lawsuit--can we have elections now?

Washington County Director of Schools Grant Rowland is the center of a battle with several parents in his district. Last week families initiated a $25 million lawsuit against the school district as a result. The issues as reported by and the Herald & Tribune include his decision to paint over a memorial mural honoring one teen who had died, a bullying policy that isn't being enforced to their satisfaction and vandalism of the signs one parent has posted in her yard calling for the ouster of Rowland and and other petty and childish retaliatory nonsense.

After the painting over of the mural parents banded togther to create the Washington County Concerned Citizens for Education and it appears that that is when things got ugly.

If half of this parent's story is true there is serious trouble with the leadership in this system. Looks like the failure of SB0217, SB1168, SB1780, SB1897 which all would have allowed the election of superintendents might have helped. Unfortunately, none of them even got a hearing.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I saw your site for the first time tonight. I am one of the concerned citizens that would desperately like a vote on the Superintendent's job. Since we can't oust him, we are trying to get new board members who have a spine elected on Aug 3rd, who will stand up to him. If we lose, there will be a lot of us who will have to more our children to other school systems because he and "HIS" school board will retaliate.