Welcome. You'll find comments and information here about education in Tennessee with a focus on Nashville as well other issues as I keep an eye on legislation and news. You'll quickly realize I'm a conservative Christian who isn't the quiet submissive type and doesn't mind rankling, if necessary, to get the job done.
It's not often you open your mailbox, shuffle through the bills and junk mail and get a surprise chuckle. It was a nice break from the seriousness of debating the issues, platforms and what ifs of the campaign.
Thanks for the laugh, Buck.
9:31 AM
Buck can do no wrong in your eyes, Kay....
Oh yes he can, and has.
It won't hurt him any, though, to make me laugh every now and then.
I took his focus on his "short" hair as a subtle (read: substantiveless) way of suggesting he's conservative when in many ways he's not: he's as big a tax and spender as any in the race, he'll side with business over cultural conservatives on immigration, and he'll side with business over neighborhoods when the neighborhoods object to video signs on already congested streets on the inner part of town. The other aspect of the ad implied his hair reflects his honesty- "What you see is what you get." He is honest and straightforward, I'd have to give him that.
It was funny- and the design of his website is the best in the bunch.
I agree Dozier's is the best website. His videos were good (though he could have used a fashion stylist)and unlike others gave me information about the man and his life.
I also appreciate honesty. I may not like what I hear but you do get points for making your yes yes and your no no.
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