Monday, June 15, 2009

Taxpayers and voters are stakeholders too

From Rep. Mike Turner (D-Nashville) (hat tip AC Kleinheider at Nashville Post)

“I appreciate the [Obama, Alexander, Dean] input, but none of them have kids in public schools.”
A reminder that the public school system requires taxpayer dollars and citizen votes in order to be run. Until it doesn't need our money or our votes...mere voters and taxpayers have as much standing as any anyone in how the system is run. Ditto President Obama, Senator Alexander and Mayor Dean.

Is it unfair for them to bar reasonable educational choices when they've certainly had the opportunity to choose differently for their children? Certainly. But it doesn't bar them from expressing their opinion and working toward improving the system as they see necessary. No member of the legislature was elected by just parents of public school children, or TEA members. They have a responsibility to represent all the voters in their districts. They have a responsibility to put the children's needs ahead of adult politics.

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