Thursday, March 13, 2008

Testing Rep. Hardaway

Rep. G. A. Hardaway (D-Memphis), he of the HB2795 to test all non-public schoolers with public school tests, and even more outrageously wants to test all newborns for paternity, promised to have this testing bill reheard on 3/19 and also communicate about the changes he said he would make to the bill. Well, it's scheduled for hearing next Wednesday as promised but he's not telling anyone what, if any, changes have been made. He's not returning phone calls or giving one inch in the few personal contacts that have been made.

The following was emailed late today to Rep. G. A. Hardaway (D-Memphis) and each member of the House Special Initiatives sub-committee. Here's a link that will address an email to them that you can send to voice your concerns.

From: Kay Brooks
Sent: Thursday, March 13, 2008 5:04 PM
Subject: Failure to communicate regarding HB2795 Testing for all
Importance: High

Rep. Hardaway and fellow legislators,

I’m writing to bring your attention to your failure, Rep. Hardaway, to communicate to citizens regarding HB2795. On February 27, 2008 this bill was heard before the House Special Initiatives sub-committee. At that time more than 100 citizens filled the conference room and halls to protest this burdensome and unnecessary testing legislation. At the end of the discussion about this testing bill Education Chair Les Winningham requested that you, Rep. Hardaway, ensure that you get the language you want in the bill, show that to the Chairman John Mark Windle and the rest of the committee members as well as giving it to various homeschool representatives so we could all have it in advance as well. You, Rep. Hardaway, assured Chairman Winningham that you would be communicating and that these citizens would be kept up to date on the language and communications you have with others regarding this bill. If your memory fails here’s the video:

You have failed to keep your word, Rep. Hardaway. I gave you my card that day telling you I would be happy to help you communicate with the Tennessee homeschooling community via the network. I have called your office several times since then and none of my messages have been returned. When I talk with other homeschoolers it’s clear that my experience has been the norm. Your lack of cooperation in this matter is very disappointing and quite unprofessional. Many of us gave you the benefit of the doubt, took you at your word and now find that your word is not trustworthy.

As of 5:00 p.m. today the bill is scheduled to be heard next Wednesday, 3/19/08 and the state’s website shows NO amendments to this bill. Your fellow committee members made it very clear that they did not want a repeat of the deluge of phone calls, emails, faxes and mail that occurred a month ago. We agree that there is important legislative business that should not be derailed by something as unnecessary and fruitless as HB2795 and strongly urge you to withdraw the bill immediately and make that widely known.

Most sincerely,

Kay Brooks

TnHomeEd is a network and comprehensive independent clearinghouse of homeschooling information specifically for Tennessee parents and other interested parties.

The mission of TnHomeEd is to provide homeschooling and education information to all parents regardless of why or how they school, who they are, what they believe or their membership status.

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