Tuesday, March 11, 2008

BOE papers pulled so far

I spent a little time at the Davidson County Election Commission this morning checking on papers pulled for the upcoming election and getting copies of financial statements from previous elections. There were a couple of surprises in the trip.

  1. MNPS BOE Chair Marsha Warden hasn't picked up a qualifying petition as of about 11:30 a.m. today.
  2. Neither has Ed Kindall
  3. Councilman Eric Crafton has.
  4. Former Superintendent of Schools Pedro Garcia donated $200 to George Thompson for the 2004 election.
  5. Gracie Porter has $2,210.75 in her fund BUT also owes herself $1,000.00.
  6. Financial disclosure statements are burned after 5 years so there is no public record beyond that. I was told that was law, not policy.

More later when I've had time to really go through these.

1 comment:

Buckley said...

Thanks for this.

Re: Crafton- Didn't Kerstetter have to resign his council seat before he could run for school board?

P.S. I have to ask: Did you "pick up" while you were down there?
