Saturday, March 31, 2007

What will it take?

There are several ways that MNPS parents can get involved in monitoring and impacting the system. As this SSA discussion has revealed--it's wise to get involved early and stay in the loop. I've attended a couple of the Parent Advisory Council meetings and I'm really glad to see that they're taking a few minutes to take stock of their mission and effectiveness.

Their mission, as stated on the MNPS website is:

The role of the parents on the PAC is to share ideas and concerns from their Cluster Parent Groups and then to communicate the responses and other information back to their cluster parent groups. In addition, during the PAC meetings clusters share information with each other so that schools and clusters in different parts of the city can benefit from solutions and successes from elsewhere in the city
I see they haven't uploaded agendas or minutes for quite some time. That's unfortunate. That makes it harder for folks to get up to speed. Anyway the PAC has made the following announcement:

At the next PAC meeting on Monday 4/2/07 at 6:30pm (for the 3/29 meeting). The largest block of time will be spent on the discussion of the PAC. The Goal of the PAC was to help improve communications between the Administration and MNPS parents. Please think about these questions and ask fellow parents the same questions. I need the responses emailed to me or you may bring them to the meeting.

The Questions:
"What will it take for you to become involved in your child's education?"
"What will it take for you to become involved in your child's school?"
"What will it take for you to become involved in the PAC?"

If you're unsure who your PAC representative is you can find that information here.

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