Tennessean errors
Today's Tennessean continues their look at the school board races they started in yesterday's edition. It's been interesting reading. I did notice two glaring errors in today's segment that should be corrected.
"While Brooks was nominated by Councilman Mike Jameson of Lockeland Springs, five of six council members who live in the district voted for Porter and expressed frustration that the governing body went against the will of the area's representatives."It was CM Michael Craddock that nominated me. According to this page at MNPS District 5 has only four councilmen representing it: Pam Murray, Mike Jameson, Erick Cole and Jason Hart. But the point is still valid--only Jason Hart voted for me after trying to defer the vote. [Yes, he's the son of school board candidate Lawrence Hart.]
and under the box of information for Lawrence Hart:
"chairman of the Eaglewood Development District, "
I believe that should have been Inglewood Development District. I also know that shortly after I started on the Inglewood Neighborhood Association's board several years back I asked him for financial information and information about who comprised this board. I've never received it.
UPDATE: The Tennessean has corrected the online version. It's tough to make a mistake that you know you know better than to do, and I'm sure Ms. Riley does, but then have it printed for all the world to see, well, that's tough. Some Monday mornings are tougher than others.
I find the articles interesting as well. You made these two statements:
"Some of these schools are hard and depressing places to be all day; I wouldn't want to stay there either."
"Specifically regarding the teachers, I believe that those who aren't committed to being there need to move on to another career."
As someone wanting to continue serving this district, do you not see the problem in these two statements?
I think the Tennessean is only somewhat confusing rather than a glaring error in one instance: they said council members that live in the district, not represent it. I believe Briley lives in the district and probably another at large.
You're right, George. Briley does live on Moss Rose now and did live in deep east Nashville. Diane Neighbors, another CM at large does live in east Nashville also.
Excuse me, Briley lives on Brush Hill not Moss Rose.
"...do you not see the problem in these two statements?"
The big difference here is that one group is comprised of children compelled by law to be there and the other of adults who took the job and had the ability to know what they were getting into and the freedom to not take the job.
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